Growth and yield response of eggplant (Solanum meongena L.) to varying combinations of inorganic fertilizers and plant growth promoting bacteria
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
Major Course
Major in Soil Science
College of Agriculture and Food Science (CAFS)
Adviser/Committee Chair
Pearl B. Sanchez
A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of varying combinations of inorganic fertilizers and plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) on growth and yield of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.). The treatments included: (T1) control; (T2) 1/2 RR; (T3) RR; (T4) 1/2 RR + PGPB; (T5) RR + PGPB; (T6) RR + 1/2 foliar fertilizer; (T7) RR + foliar fertilizer; (T8) RR + 1 1/2 foliar fertilizer; and (T9) Foliar fertilizer only. Agronomic parameters such as plant height, number of fruits and marketable yield were measured as well as the following soil chemical properties: pH, total N, OM content, available P and exchangeable bases (K, Ca and Mg). Application of RR + 1 1/2 foliar fertilizer (T8) produced the tallest plants (36.8 cm), most number of fruits and highest marketable yield. Combining recommended rate and half the recommended rate of inorganic fertilizer with foliar fertilizer and PGPB improved the yield of eggplant. Increasing levels of foliar application resulted in increased yield. Soil pH, available P and exchangeable K were significantly affected by the treatments after one cropping period. Application of PGPB and recommended rate of inorganic fertilizer (T5) tended to maintain soil pH at near neutral levels and increase soil available P and exchangeable K.
UPLB Main Library Special Collections Section (USCS)
Call Number
LG 993.5 2015 A3 /H55
Recommended Citation
Hilado, Shenie Atilano, "Growth and yield response of eggplant (Solanum meongena L.) to varying combinations of inorganic fertilizers and plant growth promoting bacteria" (2015). Undergraduate Theses. 1603.
Document Type