
Journal of Public Affairs and Development


Various efforts of different organizations to promote organic agriculture (OA) were being implemented even before the enactment of Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 in the Philippines. This paper used case studies to document and analyze best practices in OA promotion using a multidimensional approach. The case studies include: a) Provincial Initiative: Organic Village Model in Victorias City, Negros Occidental; b) Municipal Level Experience: Tublay, Benguet’s Program in Promoting and Implementing Organic Agriculture; and c) Private Sector Initiative: The Sta. Josefa Integrated Organic Farmers Association’s (SJIOFA) Experience in Implementing an Organic Agriculture Program. The case studies showcased a combination of strategies that worked well to their advantage and appropriate to their present situation. In summary, the factors which facilitated the promotion and advocacy on OA include strong support from the local government, strong linkages with national and international organizations who collaborate for OA, presence of organized farmers’ group advocating for OA, and presence of relevant infrastructure support like the Learning Center and technology demonstration farms or organic trading posts. Using the multi-dimensional approach, it was shown that OA can be promoted and adopted by means of responding to the interrelated needs of different factors by each stakeholder in the community. Assessing the determinants of OA adoption and ensuring inclusive participation of multi-stakeholders through holistic systems approach are useful for unified planning, implementation, and evaluation of sustainable OA programs in the country.



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