Journal of Public Affairs and Development
About JPAD
The Journal of Public Affairs and Development (JPAD) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that is published annually by the College of Public Affairs and Development (CPAf), University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB). With emphasis on transdisciplinary approach in development studies, the Journal caters to readers from a wide range of disciplines, including scientists, practitioners, administrators, policymakers, researchers, and students in social sciences and natural sciences.
The Journal seeks to provide a venue to discuss topics related to development studies and governance, particularly on agrarian and urban development, agricultural and extension education, community development, development management and governance, education management, and strategic planning and public policy.
The JPAD accepts submission of papers that advance understanding on the process and contributions of social sciences in agriculture, forestry and natural resources, economic development, and community development and provide analysis on relationship among various development, policy, and governance issues. Preference is given to papers from research and model applications at the community and institutional levels that blend scientific disciplines and integrate social and technical knowledge.
CPAf, as publisher, acknowledges authors’ copyright in articles to be published in the JPAD. However, the College holds the copyright for each issue of the JPAD to protect authors against unauthorized use of its contents and to ensure proper policing of use.
The Journal does not charge submission, processing, or publication fee. The authors (main and co-authors) of published articles will receive a print copy of the JPAD issue containing their article. The authors may also request for an electronic copy of their full article to be used as reference material only and not as an open resource posted online. The request should be addressed to the Managing Editor.