Covariance analysis of two- factor split plot experiment: programming and application




Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics


College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Santiago M. Alviar


The study was undertaken to: (1) to illustrate the application of covariance analysis to two-factor split plot experiments; (2) to illustrate the effects of the arrangement of factors on she precision of two-factor split plot experiments; and (3) to provide a suitable program to carry out the analysis of covariance for two-factor split plot experiments. Data on uniformity trials were obtained to illustrate analysis. These were for the effects of time of nitrogen application and depth of seeding to water seeded rice selections IR332-2-10 and IR844-86-1. The analysis of yield after adjustment to a common seedling stand gave result of higher efficiency and more accuracy. The inter-action of depth of water at seeding and time of nitrogen application is significant for IR844-86-1 but not for IR332-2-10e Although the regression coefficients are not significant, the variances for tests of treatment effects are considerably reduced. The strip plot design was 2.95% more efficient using unadjusted yields and 11.8% more efficient than the basic split design in the comparison of treatment means of IR844-86-1. In IR332-2-10, the basic split design is relatively more efficient than the strip plot design: 9.52% more efficient on unadjusted yield and 9.02% more efficient on adjusted yield comparisons. The tedious task of processing and analyzing the raw data was considerably reduced with the availability of the program pre-pared for the analysis. It is in FORTRAN II and specifically suited for the IBM 1620.




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