Design, construction and application of an 8-bit analog data acquisition and control board for the IBM PC




Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics


College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Nelio C. Altoveros


A printed circuit board was designed and constructed for interfacing to the IBM PC/XT compatible computer. The board contains three independent modules. Module 1 consists of an eight input analog to digital (A/D) converter with an address range of 300 HEX to 307 HEX in the 10 port 01 the PC/XT. The second module consists of a programmable counter/timer that counts pulses from an external clock and interrupts the PC on terminal count. This module has an address range of 308 HEX to 30B HEX. The third module is a digital to analog (D/A) converter that can be accessed at the address 30C HEX. A Turbo Pascal computer program was written to control the designed hardware and gather data from the analog to digital converter. process the gathered data and display them on screen, store on floppy / hard disk and print them on the printer. The designed hardware and software were interfaced to an LVDT transducer. During the analysis, the output of the computer was compared to the LVDT displacement. The results show that the linearity of the LVDT can be extended to 9.0 mm




UPLB Main Library Special Collections Section (USCS)

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