PC-based camera system for controlling a microcontroller- based Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)




Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics


College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Nelio C. Altoveros


A PC-based camera system was designed and implemented to control a microcontroller-based automated guided vehicle or AGV. The camera system is capable of monitoring and directing the vehicle during its navigation through the application of several image processing techniques. A user interface window, which served as the basic monitor and control interface of the AGV, was programmed in Microsoft Visual Basic (VB). Wireless communication was implemented as data bus of the computer to the AGV. The PIC microcontroller acted as the central control unit of the AGV system. The control program of the microcontroller was compiled using PIC C Compiler IDE. The images being captured by the camera were analyzed into pixel level so as to create a two-dimensional coordinate system. Different mathematical equations were incorporated on the program to determine the position and orientation of the AGV. The following image processing techniques: edge detection, color segmentation and color extraction were employed to differentiate the AGV from its environment and to track the movement of the AGV during its navigation. AGV navigation pertains to the state wherein the AGV was able to reach its destination point and not reroute its direction from the defined path. The low success rate percentage of AGV navigation can be attributed to the inefficient computer processing. VB uses a very high programming language which considerably decreases the computer's processing speed, thus largely affecting the real-time communication of the camera system and the AGV by generating motion delay.




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