PC-XT cards for measurement of square-wave frequencies




Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics


College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Demetrio A Yco, Jr.


A Converter Card for frequency measurements of square waves is designed, constructed and calibrated. The card is intended to be used for data acquisition and control systems. The design consists of using the Programmable Interval Timer. The PIT has 3 counters designated as counter # 0 ,1 and 2 respectively. Only counter # 0 is used in the fabrication of the card. The counters of the PIT can be configured in 6 modes but the card only uses the PIT's counting ability . The Card was initially tested on a training board. It is discovered that you can read the contents of any counter in the PIT simply by enabling the READ pin of the PIT. This operation of reading without latching the count is a new method found in this study. Two programs are developed. One is used for data acquisition of frequency and the other program is used for graphics display. The data can be saved into a file disk so that they can later be analyzed. There are two tests initiated. One multiplying the readings by 10 and the other only 9.5. The results shows that multiplying the readings by 9.5 reduces the deviations seen on high frequencies as compared to multiplying the readings by 10. The discrepancies still seen on high frequencies are due to the noise entered to the card. The PC-XT card is then tested many times to see if its output does not vary. The board proves that it can accept frequencies conditioned well but will be erroneous on noisy signals.




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