Holographic non-destructive testing of Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) in the presence of contaminants, defects and stress




Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics


College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Emmanuel A Florido


A Digital Holographic Non-destructive Testing system was designed and implemented to qualitatively analyze the holographic interference pattern generated by commercially-fabricated Gallium Arsenide samples. The system is capable of digitally capturing the fringe pattern produced by the sample having contaminants, defects and stress. A versatile program routine was developed to view the different images captured by the digital camera for the efficient analysis of pattern deformations. Each sample was treated with different sets of defect, contaminants and stresses particularly mechanical, thermal and vibrational loading. For each stress applied, a distinct localized interference pattern was generated. These interference patterns were distinguished in regard with the given stressed applied. Using the method of visual inspection and standard fringe localization. The study showed that for digital holographic non-destructive testing of Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) lies distinct localized interference fringes for different sets of stress applied. Thermal stress has little effect on Gallium Arsenide even up to the point of 300° Celsius where minute defects were recognized. Mechanical loading gives definite interference pattern of the compression type. Defect-induced stress and contamination gives more definite interference patterns so it is easier to recognize surface area defects upon sample handling. Vibrational loading, makes the interference pattern more complex and defined especially when the frequency reaches as high as 500 Hz.




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