Supply Analysis of Duck Eggs in the Philippines




Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics


College of Economics and Management (CEM)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Cenon D. Elca

Committee Member

Cenon D. Elca, Antonio Jesus A. Quilloy, Agham C. Cuevas


The Philippine duck industry ranks second to chicken industry in terms of egg and meat production. The industry mainly focuses on the production of eggs since its by- products, like balut and salted eggs, has an increasing demand in the country. Local production is the only source of supply of duck eggs in the country since there were no recorded imports and exports of the commodity during the past 18 years. Due to the increasing demand of duck eggs, the study analyzed the supply of duck eggs in the country from 2001 to 2018.

The specific objectives of the study were to: (1) determine the trends in the supply, prices of duck eggs, and prices of its alternative commodity; (2) analyze the different factors affecting the supply of duck eggs in the Philippines including the prices of inputs, implementation of technology, and disease incidence and natural calamities; and (3) provide recommendations based on the results of the study.

The supply of duck eggs has a stagnant growth from 2001 to 2003. From 2004 to 2010, the trend showed a decline due to the decrease in number of heads of duck laying flocks. With the increase demand for duck egg by-products, the supply of duck eggs continuously increased from 2010 to 2018. Furthermore, the nominal and real prices of duck eggs and its alternative commodity showed an increasing trend from 2001 to 2018.

The results of the multiple linear regression analysis showed that two variables were significant determinants of duck egg supply in the Philippines. The prices of inputs showed a significant and negative relationship with supply. On the other hand, the implementation of technology showed a significant and positive relationship with supply.

Based on the results, the study recommends the following: expand the implementation of Itik Pinas and Integrated Rice-Duck Farming System programs in other areas in the country will help increase the supply of duck eggs, promote the use of alternative cheaper farm inputs, and promote the conversion of backyard farms to

commercial farms.



LC Subject

Supply Analysis


UPLB College of Economics and Management (CEM)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2021 A14 M65

Document Type

