Stellar structure parameters of homogeneous and non- homogeneous solar-type polytropic model




Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics


College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Rogel Mari D. Sese


In this thesis, the researcher made two stellar models: 1 ] Homogeneous Model and [2] Non-Homogenous Model. For both models, 1 observed the behavior of the stellar parameters in terms of the radial radius and the polytropic index. For the homogeneous model, 1 considered the density to he equal all throughout the star. I let the density to be equal to the mean density. From the results, we have observed that as the radius increases, the mass and the luminosity also increase. On the other hand, increasing the radius would make the pressure and the temperature to decrease. The mass and the luminosity decreases as 1 increase the polytropic index while the pressure and the temperature increases. For the non-homogeneous model, I assumed that the density changes with respect to the radius r. Here, I let the density to be equal to the core density multiplied to the polytropic function of index n. We have observed that as the polytropic index increases the core density increases. I compared the computed core density to that of the sun. I noticed that the core density of the sun lies between the computed core density of n=3 and 3.5. I obtained a percentage difference of 53.18% for n = 3 and 32.10% for n = 3.5.




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