Effect of acylsugar from Solanum pennellii L. introgeesed into tomato (S. esculentum L.) on tomato fruitworm (Helicoperva armigera Hubner) and whitefly (Bemisa tabaci Genn.) and molecular mapping of QTLS associated with acylsugar production




Bachelor of Science in Biology


College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Merlyn S. Mendioro


The parentals, Solonum pennelhi L. (LA 716) and S. esculentum L. (LA 3475 M-82) and 50 introgression lines were subjected to acylsugar analysis. LA 716 had detectable amount of acylsugar that confers resistance to pests. Acylsugar present in the Solarium species ranged from 90.11 nmol/cm2 and 1194.26 nmol/cm2 A significant mean difference in the amount of acylsugar concentration among the 52 lines was noted. Effects of acylsugar in tomato fruitworm (TFW), Helicoperva armigera Hubner were recorded in terms of larval mortality. Inflicted mortality of acylsugar ranged from 25% to 96.67%. There was a weak linear relationship between acylsugar and larval mortality rate. The increase in acylsugar concentration showed an increase in larval mortality rate. Reaction of whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) to acylsugar was recorded in terms of oviposition rates, first instars and adult emergence in each introgression lines. Extreme values of whitefly eggs were observed which ranges from 13-1025. The relationship between the acylsugar content of different accessions and the number of adults showed negatively moderate linear relationship. A decrease in the number of adult whitefly was observed as the acylsugar increases LA 3501 and LA 3502 recorded very low number of whitefly and high mortality in TFW. Acylsugar content of LA 3501 and LA 3502 was moderately higher (776 and 976.5, respectively). The overlapping introgressed segment on LA 3501 and LA 3502 was determined using the genetic linkage map provided by the Molecular Marker Unit of AVRDC. Using CAPS and SSR markers, the location of the introgressed genes from resistant parents was between 68.6 to 69.7 cM of the overlapping segments in LA 3501 and LA 3502.




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