Utilization of industrial wastes in the ensilaging of rice straw.




Bachelor of Science in Biology


College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

William L. Fernandez


Industrial wastes of alcohol slop waste, lambanog slop waste and coconut water were used in the ensilaging of rice straw. The application of the industrial wastes was by spraying and soaking for 0.5-, l-, 7-, and 3 hr. The absorption capacity of the rice straw was 14$ by spraying and 272 to 1428 by soaking. he mature silages of 4 weeks old were soft, picked up the color of the industrial wastes, and possessed a sweetish sour smell. The odor of the molasses spray straw silage was sweetish. Only a small percentage loss of weight occurred during ensilaging. On a dry weight basis, the molasses spray straw silage showed higher moisture, little higher crude protein, much lesser crude fat (ether extract), much lesser crude fiber, and a little lower ash content than the industrial waste soaked straw. The alcohol slop waste, the lambanog slop waste and the coconut water silages were comparable to each other except for the crude protein content. The lambanog slop waste silage had the highest crude protein followed by alcohol slop waste silage and the lowest by coconut water silage. The consumption of the industrial waste soaked straw silages was comparable to the molasses spray straw silage, while the industrial waste spray straw silage was consumed in a much quantity. Alcohol slope waste, lambanog slop waste and coconut water can substitute in the ensilaging of rice straw when the application in by soaking. Some advantages of the industrial over molasses are that the former are available at practically no cost and its utilization if unsalaging reduces the pollution load created by the factory waste.




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