Design, fabrication, and preliminary testing of a pilot scale inclined plate clarifier for secondary treatment




Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Johanna Marie R. Dikitanan


The UPLB needs a functioning wastewater treatment facility. Secondary clarifiers are integral part of the facility since it dictates the final effluent characteristics. A special kind of clarifier, the inclined plate clarifier (IPC) accommodates large capacity of wastewater but takes up small floor area. This study aims to design, fabricate, and test a pilot-scale secondary IPC using parameters namely suspended solids concentration, hydraulic retention time, and angle of plate inclination. In this study, it has been found out that the angle of inclination, at high and low values of 55 and 60 degrees respectively have a direct significant effect on the removal of suspended solids. The interactions of the factors are also not significant at a given range of high and values. Furthermore, it has been found out that removal of suspended solids range from 97.96%. he average effluent solids concentration is 54mg/L on the average. The estimated IPC volume and settling area are 122m and 110m respectively and at a volumetric capacity of the UPLB domestic wastewater.




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2014 E62 /C53

Document Type


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