A Technopreneurial case study on Mapecon Green Charcoal Philippines, Incorporated: Focus on its green charcoal and activated carbon technologies




Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management


College of Economics and Management (CEM)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Pura T. Depositario

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This study aimed to demonstrate how a technopreneurial event happens in relation to the production and processing of Green Charcoal and identify the factors that contributed to its market failure. Furthermore, how an entrepreneur coped up with business failure through the introduction of another product Activated Carbon in the market was described in this study. Presenting the technologies utilized and how these were conceptualized, developed and commercialized was given utmost importance upon conducting this research. In addition, the distinct traits of the technopreneur manifested to the innovations were assessed. The key factors that contributed to the success and failure of the business operation were also identified. The result of this study is hoped to provide the company ways and strategies to improve their product and performance which will recommend to the achievement of the overall goal of the company to become the top producer of activated carbon.




UPLB College of Economics and Management (CEM)

Call Number

LG 993 2011 M17 B37

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