Evaluation of the baking quality of pandesal with stabilized rice bran




Bachelor of Science in Food Technology

Major Course

Major in Food Science


College of Agriculture and Food Science (CAFS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Rona Camille M. Lizardo


The effect of supplementing pandesal with different levels of stabilized rice bran (SRB) was investigated. The rice bran was stabilized through steam-heating method. Stabilized rice bran has a free fatty acid value of 2.15% oleic acid and higher proximate composition compared to all purpose flour. The addition of SRB in pandesal did not affect odor/aroma, off-odor, taste, denseness, moistness and tenderness. Increase in color intensity, texture, aftertaste and mouthfeel, and decrease in volume and overall acceptability were observed in all SRB supplemented levels (0, 1, 3, 5, 10 and 15%), though up to 5% bran is comparable with the control. Among panelists, the control was preferred most, followed by 1 and 3%, and then with 5% supplementation level. The final product evaluation of the SRB supplemented pandesal was done with the control, 5% and 10% supplementation levels. Water activity analysis showed aw value of less than 0.4. Proximate composition analysis revealed that higher supplementation resulted in higher nutritional value. Aerobic count plate values ranged from 3.55x105 to 9.30x105 CFU/g, while Escherichia coli was not detected. Results of consumer test showed that among the different treatments, the 5% level of supplementation for pandesal can be considered as the most acceptable.




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Call Number

LG 993.5 2014 F61 /S28

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