Food science and technology practicum at the Department of Science and Technology regional office no. IV-A Calabarzon, Jamboree Road, Barangay Timugan, Los Baños, Laguna




Bachelor of Science in Food Technology

Major Course

Major in Food Science


College of Agriculture and Food Science (CAFS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Reifrey A. Lascano


The plant practice was conducted at the Regional Standards and Testing Laboratory (RSTL) of the Department of Science and Technology Regional Office no. 4A, Jamboree Road, Barangay Timugan, Los Baños, Laguna from June to July 2014 for a period of 160 hours. The plant practice mainly focused on the physicochemical and microbiological analyses of water and food products. During the first part of the plant practice, the author was assigned to the food chemistry division where the analyses for moisture, protein, pH, metals and minerals were performed. The second part concentrated on the microbial analyses of the food microbiology division where media preparation, potability of water, bacteriology of water nad wastewater, total and fecal coliform test, confirmatory test for Escherichia coli, and heterotrophic plate count test were completed. The author also became familiar with the different sophisticated apparatus such as protein digester and analyzer, digital buret, microwave digestor, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, bacticinerator, and colony counter. The practicum gave the author an opportunity to apply what he learned from the university, to learn and understand the principles behind different analyses, and to have a first-hand job experience in a dynamic working environment that will surely help and prepare for his future.



Call Number

LG 993 2015 F61 /Y85


status: in process

loc: UPLB Main Library Cataloging Section

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