A critical textual analysis on the corporate and community views on corporate social responsibility




Bachelor of Science in Development Communication


College of Development Communication (CDC)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Pamela A. Custodio

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attainment of their business goals. It allows them eliminate the possible threats to their operation in their areas covered. For the communities, CSR is viewed to be beneficial, however they also view CSR as a means to eliminate the conflicts that may arise between them and the corporation. Moreover, CSR is not only an option for the corporation but is already a responsibility due to the fact that they operate in their areas.

CSR has defined development programs as it involves the corporation which is the implementer and the recipient communities. As the number of CSR practicing companies grow, more and diverse development programs are being developed. The communities on the other hand, are the recipients, partners and stakeholders of the different development programs implemented by the company. The people involved are the ones who are able to evaluate and show the impact of these development programs. The relationship between the corporation practicing CSR and the community is seen to be strongly shaped by CSR. As a corporation continues its operation, tensions arise and thus there is a need for CSR programs. The implementation of these programs also show the connection, interaction and kind of relationship being build between the corporation and the community. This research suggests that more studies on CSR should be done in order to further understand its role in shaping community development.




UPLB College of Development Communication (CDC)

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