Raw sugar factory and refinery practice at Busco Sugar Milling Company, Incorporated, Butong, Quezon, Bukidnon, Philippines : Special Topic : factors affecting raw sugar quality during storage at Busco, Inc.




Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Major Course

Major in Sugar Technology


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Jewel A. Capunitan


Restricted: Not available to the general public and to those bound by the confidentiality agreement. Access is available only after consultation with author/thesis adviser.


Sugar manufacturing involves various unit operations which were actually observed during the field practice in BUSCO Sugar Milling Company, Incorporated. PRoduction of sugar starts off by milling the sugarcanes to extract the juice, referred to as the mixed juice. This mixed juice will undergo clarification to remove the impurities present producing the clarified juice while the collected impurities or mud will undergo filtration. The clarified juice proceeds with evaporation for concentration by removing the excess water to produce the syrup. Further concentration of the syrup in the vacuum pan produces the massecuite. Upon centrifugation of the massecuite, raw sugar crystals are separated from the molasses. Raw sugar is refined to reduce the color and increase its purity. The process starts with remelting to remove the molasses film in the sugar crystal. The melt liquor is mixed with lime and carbon dioxide in carbonatation to precipitate the impurities. Further removal of the colorants is done through decolorization. Processing proceeds with evaporation, pan boiling, centrifugation, blending and packaging. Refined sugar product is classified either as premium grade or standard grade. A special topic about raw sugar quality was studied, wherein the effects of temperature, relative humidity and storage time on quality parameter such as moisture content, color, polarization,grain size, ash, reducing sugars and microbial content were discussed. Changes in the quality of the raw sugar and its storability were also assessed. Based from the gathered data, the sugar produced in the factory can be kept safely in storage since the quality parameters were within the acceptable range. However, inevitable changes in the quality were still observed only at a minimal level.



Call Number

LG 993 2015 E62 /M44


status: in process

loc: UPLB Main Library Cataloging Section

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