Raw sugar factory and refinery practice at CADPI, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippine : Special Topic : Comparison of different sugar decolorization processes and evaluation of CADPI refinery decolorization station




Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Major Course

Major in Sugar Technology


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Rhebner E. Arocena


Restricted: Not available to the general public and to those bound by the confidentiality agreement. Access is available only after consultation with author/thesis adviser.


Actual operations and processes inside a raw sugar factory and refinery were observed in the field practice in CADPI. The first step in raw sugar production is the extraction of juice from the sugarcane in the milling tandems. For the boiling house, the impurities in the juice is removed by clarification. The impurities or the mud undergoes filtration for recovery of crystallizable sugar while the clarified juice undergoes evaporation to remove the water and produce syrup. The syrup is further concentrated in pan boiling. The centrifugation process separates the raw sugar molasses. The raw sugar then goes to the refinery to remove the colorants and to increase purity. Two grades off raw sugar is produced, the standard and premium grade. A special topic which is focuses on the Decolorization process of sugar factories was discussed and an evaluation of the Decolorization station in CADPI was done. Based on the evaluation done improvements in the decolorization station is needed to maintain the color of the refined sugar produces acceptable to the market. To improve the decolorization of the refined sugar, CADPI should explore the possibility of adding a granular activated carbon system, using oxidants, and more frequent regeneration and replacement of the resins.



Call Number

LG 993 2015 E62 /N47


status: in process

loc: UPLB Main Library Cataloging Section

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