Response of mechanically-damaged banana (Musa acuminate cv. Latundan) fruit to 1-methylcyclopropene




Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Major Course

Major in Horticulture


College of Agriculture and Food Science (CAFS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Josephine U. Agravante


The effect of mechanical damage and 1-MCP (0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 ppm) application on ripening of Latundan bananas was determined. The damage was induced by dropping the fruits from varying heights (50 cm, 75 cm, and 100 cm) onto rough cemented or smooth corrugated surfaces. The fruits were dipped in aqueous 1-MCP before or after the injury was incurred. Regardless of the dropping height and surface, faster ripening was obtained in mechanically damaged than in sound fruits. Bananas that were dropped from a height of 75 cm onto smooth corrugated steel surface exhibited the fastest ripening. Peel color development, softening, and disease occurrence in sound fruits were delayed by 1-MCP at 0.5 ppm and 1.0 ppm. The weight loss, TSS, TA and pH were not affected by the treatments.The marketable life of sound and mechanically damaged fruits was extended by 1.0 ppm of 1-MCP. The use of 1-MCP at 1.0 ppm was more effective in delaying ripening and deterioration when applied before the injury was incurred.




UPLB Main Library Special Collections Section (USCS)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2013 A3 /C47

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