Cultivation of Chlorococcum humicola in polyethylene Photobioreactor for the production of microalgal oil




Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Rex B. Demafelis

Committee Member

June Owen O. Nacorda

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Chlorococcum humicola obtained from the Phycology Laboratory 1, Institute of Biological Sciences (IBS), College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Baños was cultivated in polyethylene reactors with varying diameters. Chlorococcum humicola was cultured in three light intensities and two aerations. The calibration of the optical density of the culture at 625nm and biomass concentration was done. A linear relationship was obtained between optical density and biomass concentration with equation y=2.409x where x is the optical density and y is the biomass concentration in g/L. In different light intensity C.humicola was fastest in 2.04klux for different reactor diameter and for low and high aeration. The growth is slowest at 1.59klux also in all condition. The effect of aeration in growth of C.humicola is not significant.Also,the effect of diameter is statistically not significant. Increasing diameter does not have an effect in the growth of C. humicola. In conclusion the effect of light intensity is both increasing for the three reactor diameter and 2 levels of aeration. It means that the growth days is smaller when the light intensity is larger regardless of diameter size and aeration.




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology

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