A preliminary investigation of the use of diffraction- based sensing for the rapid detection of Papaya RingSpot Virus (PRSV) in Carica papaya Linn. Leaf samples.




Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Chemistry


College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Peralta, Milagros M.

Committee Member

Sta. Cruz, Filomena C.


Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and diffraction – based sensing (DBS) for detecting the presence papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) in papaya leaf samples were compared qualitatively. In both methods, the specificity of the antibody – antigen interaction between the PRSV capture antibody from Agdia™ and papaya leaf extracts containing the virus was utilized for rapid detection of PRSV in infected plants. Preliminary runs of leaf sap extracts from infected and healthy plants and control (PBS buffer only) confirmed the ability of DBS to detect the presence of PRSV by an increase in the intensity of the diffracted laser beam, thus increasing the potential difference of the photodiode reading. Infected samples yielded the highest photo-voltage difference at 0.9 mV, healthy samples at 0.1 mV, and PBS buffer as negative control with 0.0 mV readings. The optimization experiments were carried out using three configurations: antibody first (AB - AG), antigen first (AG - AB), and sandwiched (AB – AG - AB) modes. Analyses of the results obtained using 20 plant samples showed that the two methods were comparable in their ability to detect the presence of the virus. However, DBS had the added advantage of being a less expensive, more rapid, and simpler detection method compared to ELISA.




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