Power scheduling of the proposed solar photovoltaic plant in Bohol 2 Electric Cooperative (BOHECO II) Imelda substation distribution system




Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Roderick L. Catriz


Restricted: Not available to the general public. Access is available only after consultation with author/thesis adviser and only to those bound by the confidentiality agreement.


Scheduling is done to properly supply the load. This study schedules the proposed Solar PV plantto supply the loads connected to the Imelda substation.To create a power schedule, the capacity of the plant must be defined. The capacity of the proposed solar PV plant was computed to be MWdc was then subdivided into-sub-units of 2 units of 4MW, 4 units of MW, and 8 units of 1mw for better flexibility in scheduling. The results of simulation using SAM is the hourly output of the proposed plant wherein the highest output occurs during midday. In order to determine which combination of unitswould be best used for the system, the LOLE of each combination was computed. The computed LOLE are as follows 5197.818 hrs/yr for the 2 units of 4MW capacity, 5268.95 hrs/yr for the 4 units of 2MW capacity, and 5408.34 hrs/yr for the 8 units of 1 MW capacity. The lower LOLE means that there is a lesser chance that he supply would not be enough for the demand. The combination with the least LOLE was chosen for scheduling. The chosen combination is the 2 units of 4MW capacity with an LOLE of 5197.818 hrs/yr.Power scheduling was done by computing the number of required sub-units at a specific time to supply the load By power scheduling, thr graphs of the output power vs the load were converging. There would also be a lesser power surplus. A back-up supply is advised for the hours when the solar cannot produce power and at times of failure.




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2015 E64 /M36

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