Assessment of Biofuels Act of 2006 in terms of changes in biofuels industry structure and performance




Bachelor of Science in Economics


College of Economics and Management (CEM)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Jhoana V. Alcalde


Restricted: Not available to the general public. Access is available only after consultation with author/thesis adviser and only to those bound by the confidentiality agreement.


Growing campaigns against climate change called the attention of policymakers to focus on energy mixture of countries to mitigate environmental harm caused by energy consumption. In the Philippines, Biofuels Act of 2006 was implemented to mitigate environmental degradation, decrease import dependence on oil, and increase employment. The primary objective of this study is to assess the Act in terms of the changes in the biofuels industry structure and performance and the changes in variables affected by the Act?s objective after the Act has been implemented. This study also used the case of Brazil as benchmark of comparison. Compared to the biofuels industry structure and production of Brazil, Philippines lagged behind as the growth of biofuels industry in the Philippines is slow. However, it should be considered that Brazil has a long time experience in biofuels. Also, the normal directions of the trends of the variables included in the Act?s objectives still did not change after nine years of the Act?s implementation. Maybe the relative impact of the Act is not yet sufficient to affect the directions of the trends of the said variables.




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