Stator winding design improvement for 15 HP 460 V induction motor done by ALPS MSI at San Pedro, Laguna, Philippines




Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Major Course

Major in Power Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Rodolfo A. Aguirre, Jr.,


Motor redesign has been of great insignificance in the motor repair industry. This study discussed the stator winding redesign method performed by ALPS MSI on a 15 HP 460 V induction motor. The design process utilized the computer program AC Motor Verification and Redesign to automatically and iteratively generate stator winding configurations based on existing motor data, software motor database, and company designated input variations. The input variations affected the output values of the generated designs. Designs that passed the incorporated tolerances were saves as valid designs while the design generation continued until all designated input variations and combinations were considered. The 22 valid output designs that resulted from iterations and combinations were then subjected to wire pricing and total conductor costs were computed. The winding configuration with the least cost among the entries was chosen as the best redesign for the motor. The chosen final design was the 4-wye connected design with total conductor cost of Php 4969.78. The design was implemented using a computer-fed winding machine that ensured the exact number of turns per coil and proper wire tension. Electrical tests results of the newly designed motor conformed to the standard values and motor vibration levels were within the acceptable range. The on-site motor load analysis yielded an efficient motor loading of 78.54% and a voltage variance of 0.07%.




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993 2016 E64 D45

Document Type


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