Resizing the distribution transformers of Bohol 2 Electric Cooperative (BOHECO II) distribution system to minimize overloading




Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Major Course

Major in Power Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Roderick L. Catriz


Restricted: Not available to the general public. Access is available only after consultation with author/thesis adviser and only to those bound by the confidentiality agreement.


BOHECO II has a total of 2,335 distribution transformers. After running the Energy Regulatory Commision Templates of the 18 feeders in DSAS Package 1, it has been found out that 73 distribution transformers are overloaded. This study aims to determine and assess if modifications to the electric distribution grid of BOHECO II will be needed to avoid the overloading of the utility?s distribution transformers. The overloading basis is from the ANSI Appendix: C57.92-1962 and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association Publication No. Tr 98-1964 which state that for a particular daily ambient temperature of a place, there is a corresponding permissible kVA percent loading of the transformers. Bohol has an average daily temperature of 30˚C which means that the allowable percent loading of transformers is up to 100% of their rating. The line limit violation data log lists all of the 73 overloaded transformers of the whole system. In suggesting the new necessary kVA ratings of the overloaded transformers, the kVA load of the connected customers are summed up and should be within the 80% capacity of the transformers following the standard of Underwriters Laboratories 60950-I. The value then is rounded up to the nearest rating available in the market. After resizing the 73 overloaded transformers of OHECO II distribution system, it has been found out through re-simulation that the overloading of these distribution transformers were eliminated.




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2015 E64 /N54

Document Type


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