Ultrasound features and echo mean values of the urogenital organs of red-eared slider turtles (Trachemys scripta elegans)




Doctor of Veterinary Medicine


College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Emilia A Lastica-Temura


Jezie A. Acorda


In order to determine the ultrasound features for diagnosis of diseases and disorders, the kidneys, urinary bladders, testes and ovarian follicles of twenty-four apparently healthy adult red-eared slider turtles (Trachemys scripta elegans) were examined using an ultrasound machine equipped with a 5.5 MHz microconvex multifrequency scanner. Ultrasonographic appearance and echo mean values of the organs were obtained for comparison with the animals? biometrics. The turtles had an average body weight of 1.51 ± 0.27 kg, carapace length of 24.28± 1.86 cm, carapace width of 22.55 ± 1.35 cm, and body girth of 41.6 ± 2.43 cm. The prefemoral window was effectively used for examination of the different organs. The kidneys appeared elliptical and hypoechoic while the urinary bladders appeared long and anechoic. Testes were observed to be round and hyperechoic and the ovarian follicles were hyperchoic with round anechoic centers. No significant variation in organ dimensions and E-means for testes and ovarian follicles were found based on turtle size. The data obtained may be used as a reference for normal baseline values of organ dimensions and echogenicity of red-eared slider turtles.




UPLB College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2016 V4 R64

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