A field practice report on the processing operations of gabi (Colocasia esculenta L.) bits at Sunrich Manufacturing Corporation, Canlubang, Calamba City, Laguna, Philippines




Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Jessie C. Elauria


Restricted: Not available to the general public. Access is available only after consultation with author/thesis adviser and only to those bound by the confidentiality agreement.


Sunrich Manufacturing Corporation is a company that engages in the manufacturing and dehydration of natural food products made from fruits and vegetables, meats and seafood, flours, herbs and spices extraction of fats or oil blends and toll packing of other immediate food ingredients. It targets multi-national food manufacturers in and outside the Philippines. This field practice report however, focuses only in the processing of gabi bits from the corms of fresh gabi (Colocasia esculenta L.). The process flow of gabi bits starts from receiving of fresh gabi to delivery of processed gabi bits. Between these processes are the following: washing, slicing, water blanching, layering, drying, inversing, weighing, and packing, grinding, weighing and re-packing, blending, sieving, weighing, sealing and packing, storage, and the metal detection test. The field practice made it possible for the trainee to apply the engineering principles that she learned throughout her course, specifically agricultural and bio-process engineering, in actual work. She participated in the processing of gabi bits during her stay at the company for 200 hours, and evaluated the company's operation and management, and manpower requirements. The trainee also provided suggestions and recommendations in the processing of gabi bits.




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993 2015 A2 /S44

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