Analysis and design of the solid waste management in Dolores, Quezon, Philippines




Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Perlie P. Velasco


Solid waste management in Dolores, Quezon, Philippines, upon analysis from the solid waste generation up to disposal, was considered ineffecient. Thus, this study, in cooperation with the Munucipal Environment and Natural Resources Officer (MENRO) of Dolores, will propose new technologies in utilizing their solid wastes. The design of the solid waste management based on the projected population of Dolores which is equal to 40,003.73 persons that can generate 8,464.88 kg/day based on the waste generation rate of the town which is equal to 0.2116 kg/person/day. From the proposed design biodegradable wastes will be managed in the centralized MRF of Dolores with the technology of windows composting. The Centralized MRF is located at the municipal eco-park and sanitary landfill of Dolores, On the other hand, non-biodegradable wastes will be managed and recovered also at the centralized MRF. In this facility, technologies proposed include recycling and incorporating residual solid wastes in asphalt paving mix. Lastly, based on the projected solid wastes generated, the required volume of the landfill in 2025 was determined with a value of 29,449.78m and the required landfill area of 5,889.956 m. This study will ensure the proper management of the solid waste in Dolores that can guarantee the environment safety and public health and welfare.




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2016 E63 R66

Document Type


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