Equipment balancing from pan boiling section to raw sugar warehouse of Central Azucarera Don Pedro, Inc. (CADPI), Brgy. Lumbangan, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines




Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Major Course

Major in Sugar Technology


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Jeanne Michelle T. Valencia


This study compared the theoretical and installed capacity of the equipment at Central Azucarera San Pedro, Inc. for 13,000 TCD milling rate. Specifically, the vacuum pans, crystallizers, centrifugals, barometric condensers, and storage capacity of the raw sugar warehouse were assessed. The significant differences between the required and the installed capacities of these equipment were explained. Determining the right specifications of an equipment is essential to assess whether a certain equipment can process and produce the desired quantity and quality of materials in a process. Also, possible causes of sudden operation stoppage were identified. Based on the results, CADPI is capable to operate at a milling capacity of 13, 000 TCD provided that adjustments are done to attain the required heating surface and/or capacity of A-pan, high-grade crystallizers, and A-centrifugals. It was also determined that there are excess capacity of B-pan, C-pan, low-grade crystallizers, B-centrifugals, low-grade centrifugals, barometric condensers, tanks, and raw sugar warehouse.




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2016 E62 E93

Document Type


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