Condition-based maintenance of the carbon brush in unit 1 generator exciter at Apri-Makban Geothermal Power Plant, Philippines




Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Major Course

Major in Power Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Karen-Christian C. Agno


Condition-based maintenance is done in the components where there is a need of replacement caused by failureness. Based on the results of the condition-based maintenance done on the carbon brushed of Unit 1 generator exciter, the increase in field current resulted to the accumulation of hotspots in the exciter. Temperatures exceeding the normal operating temperature and unequal sharing of current among the carbon brushes are some of the causes of hotspot formation. Hotspots originate from high mechanical and electrical loss which is converted into heat. This study focuses on the selection of appropriate carbon brush grade to replace the F23 graphite carbon brush grade currently used in the generator excited in order to reduce hotspot accumulation based on the failure modes and recommended sequence of checks in a carbon brush as referred to section 2.3. The assessment was made based on the least power loss for each brush grade type to determine the minimum power loss in the whole excitation system. It was found out that K167 silver graphite grade, K057 silver graphite, H682 copper graphite has the least power loss among carbon graphite, electrographite, natural graphite, copper graphite, and silver graphite brush grades considered.




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993 2016 E64 O23

Document Type


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