A feasibility study of integrating pork retailing and processing into an established piggery business




Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management


College of Economics and Management (CEM)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Salvacruz, Joseph C.


This study on pork retailing and processing as a vertical integration strategy was conducted on the premise that it can generate additional income for an existing hog farm. A comparison between the profitability or viability of a hog fattening and hog fattening integrated with pork retailing and processing was investigated. In our analysis of a hog fattening operation, a projected statement of income and expenses for an established piggery business was used. Under the proposed expansion or integration, two alternatives were derived. This involves a benefit-cost analysis between subcontracting a slaughter-house and a producer slaughtering own hogs. An operational plan for the integration of pork retailing and processing in hog fattening was then instituted under both alternatives. In relation to this, the analysis focused mainly on marketing (target market, product form and packaging, promotion, distribution or place and pricing); technical (project site, production process, production capacity, equipment, labor requirement, raw materials: sourcing and usage and quality control) and management and organization aspects.




UPLB College of Economics and Management (CEM)

Call Number

LG 993 1986 M17 A73

Document Type


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