Decreasing the delta of memory business unit device of the wafer probing area of ACP, Temic Semiconductor Test Inc., located at Carmelray Industrial Park 1, Canlubang, Laguna




Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Herbert T. Manaligod

Committee Member

Romark C. Cayube, Haerold Dean Z. Layaoen.


ACP Temic Semiconductor Test incorporated,is a semiconductor company located at Carmelray Industrial Park 1, Canlubang Laguna. One of the services the company offers is wafer probing where in companies of electronic and automotive industries from Germany and Asia acquire their testing services. For the first quarter of the year 2008, the company is dealing with opportunity losses due to testing misses (Delta Devices or Delta of the Device) of their customers' device wafers, which is manifested greatly in memory business unit devices. This misses is not only detrimental to their opportunity cost but also to their image as a testing and assembly facility. As the probing line was observed, inefficiency of the line was identified and the greatest inefficiency contributor to delta devices is studied. The factors of man, machine, material and methods of the probing area are assessed through activity work sampling and observing both the machine downtime contributors and manpower activity per shift. It is discovered that bulk of machine downtime is caused by delays of executing manpower activities and waiting for assistance. Part of machine delays is due to maintenance (categorized to be machine breakdown) and having no lot available for the machine set-up. Manpower activities are observed for 8 hour shifts and the distributions of their value and non-value adding activities are identified. Upon recognizing the causes of the inefficiencies of the probing area, they are identified to be controllable, experimental and noise factors. Controllable factors are observed and ways of standardizing these factors are derived. Alternatives for the experimental factors are formed and each alternative is assessed by factor rating method. The best alternative and the controllable factor with an accepted factor scores are recommended and each recommendation is evaluated through their expected estimated costs and benefits to the company. Other areas for to improvement are also suggested and the devised to improve areas that may directly affect delta of business unit devices.



LC Subject



UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology

Call Number

LG 993 2009 E66 S43

Document Type


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