Acceptability, physical properties, and nutrient composition of plant-based cauliflower frozen dessert




Bachelor of Science in Nutrition


College of Human Ecology (CHE)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Joyce P. Parco

Committee Member

Marie Faye R. Nguyen-Orca


Plant-based frozen dessert is one of the uprising's healthier snack options by many people nowadays. This has been influenced by the factors regarding the trends in both health, environmental, and ethical issues. In the Philippines, frozen dessert has been a staple dessert that can be found everywhere and anywhere because of its versatile characteristics that can be easily loved by everyone which, in addition, contributes to the market popularity of frozen dessert. Fruits, nuts, sweet products, and vegetables can be used as flavoring. Surprisingly, cauliflower can be one of those options as flavor and ingredient of frozen dessert since it does not have a harsh flavor that is just too strong and unpleasant if consumed and incorporated in higher amounts. This cruciferous plant was used in this study. Moreover, soy milk was the plant milk employed in this study, and both treated with various frozen desert formulations considering the addition of cauliflower. Additionally, they were tested on the basis of five different sensory qualities such as appearance, aroma, texture, flavor, and overall acceptability. Frozen dessert formulation with the amount of 210 ml Soy Milk and 90 g of cauliflower received the highest rating among all the treatments in terms of sensory attributes. treatment 1 (270 ml Soy Milk + 30 g Cauliflower) got the highest approval in terms of flavor among the formulations. Meanwhile, in terms of macronutrient content, treatment 4 (180 ml Soy Milk + 120 g Cauliflower) in which has the largest amount of cauliflower has the highest carbohydrate and energy content. While, for the protein and fat, higher amounts of soy milk contributed to the higher protein and fat content of the frozen dessert formulations.



LC Subject

Plant-based, Frozen dessert, Cauliflower

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