On finding the best housing facility for female students using multicriteria analysis




Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Rolando G Panopio


ON FINDING THE BEST HOUSING FACILITY FOR FEMALE STUDENTS USING MULT ICRITERIA ANALYSIS. A Special Problem. Almenar, Ma. Dinna It (Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics). Institute of MathematicaJ Sciences and Physics. University of the Philippines at Los Banos, College, Laguna. March 1989.

Seven housing facilities for female students were evaluated, assessed and ranked by the respondents using a given set of criteria. These include Men's Residence Hall, Elayda's Dormitory, St. Therese Dormitory, Vet. Med. Dormitory, Apartment in 'lag's H Residence Hall and Catalan Main House. Percentage rating method was used in developing several sets of optimal orderings of the given facilities. With the obtained sets of orderings, Friedman's test was used to analy7e the rankings This analysis presents statistica1ly significant differences among the various student housing facilities with respect to five main criteria, namely - cost, availability of facilities, accessibility, security/safety and space. It was noted that cost and space criteria contributed so much to the or made by the respondents since higher weights were assigned to them by the respondents. In term. of the overall multicomparison from the most preferred to the least preferred, Apartment in ilag's Housing, Women's Residence Hall and St. Therese Dormitory are equally the most preferred while Vet. Med. Dormitory, Men's Residence Hall, Catalan Main House and Elayda's Dormitory are equally the least preferred units.




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