Microbiological quality of selected organically-grownfruits and vegetables in Luzon, Philippines


© All Rights Reserved. Contamination of pathogenic microorganisms in fruits and vegetables eaten raw was linked to world-wide disease outbreaks.This study aimed to determine the microbial loads of organically-grown produce at thefarm and market level andidentify points of contamination by investigating the prevalence of coliforms, Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Salmonella spp. Effects of simple washing techniques on the microbial quality of Romaine lettuce were also investigated. Freshly harvested organically-grown cabbages have high coliform counts (525 cfu/g) and are E.coli-positive while strawberries are Salmonella-positive. In the market, all organically-grown produceare E. coli-negative. E. coli and higher loads of total coliforms were detected on conventionally-growncommodities,broccoli(150 cfu/g), cabbage (590 cfu/g), celery (985 cfu/g),and lettuce (955 cfu/g). Lettuces are the most susceptible to contamination due to its large surface area where microbes can easily cling on.The critical control point in the lettuce value chain was trimming, with scissors, crate as containerand farmer's hand being E. coli-positive. Washing eradicated contamination on the produce. However, re-contamination occurred as heads got in contact with E. coli-positive dryer. In the washing experiment, lettuce washed with chlorinated water exhibited the highest (31%) coliform reduction. Even when corrective strategies are applied, the produce is still at risk of contamination if proper handling will not be observed in the succeeding processes. Produce sanitation coupled with sanitation of equipment and facilities can create a positive impact on microbial quality of the products from the farms and markets under study.

Source or Periodical Title

International Food Research Journal





Document Type



Contamination, Microbiological postharvest, Organi

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