Population and reproductive phenology of the philippine teak (Tectona philippinensis Benth. & Hook. F.) in Lobo Coast of Verde Island Passage, Batangas, Philippines


A population survey during the general flowering (GF) of the critically endangered ornamental tree species locally known as Philippine teak (Tectona philippinensis Benth. & Hook. f., Lamiaceae) was conducted in four adjoining municipalities and across 14 barangays of Lobo in southern Batangas, Philippines in 2008. During the mass flowering episode of Philippine teak, 4,479 trees were counted based on plotless-ocular canopy density count. Natural population was pictured along coastal forests, littoral cliffs and inland exposed limestone ridges (5-200 m above sea level) in the municipality of Lobo (2,963) and adjoining Batangas City (946), Taysan (98) and San Juan (464). At least 62% (170 of 275 individuals) in the sampled habitats belonged to large diameter at breast height (DBH) class-size that exhibits GF. Flowering in at least >30 cm DBH class was observed during the arrival of the southwest monsoon in June until mid-July while masting started in August and drupes matured in September. Vegetative phenology (major leaf flushing) was observed from September to January until the population became leafless snags in summer.

Source or Periodical Title

Philippine Agricultural Scientist





Document Type



Canopy density, El Niño, General flowering, Lobo Batangas, Luzon Island, Mass flowering, Phenology, Philippine teak, Plotless survey, Population, Rainfall, Regenerants, Tectona philippinensis, Verde Island Passage Corridor

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