Institutional arrangements in the modernization of cutflower postproduction systems in selected communities in Benguet, Philippines


The types of institutional arrangements among cutflower growers in three postproduction concerns namely, technology use, labor use and marketing were studied using case study method. The study sought to establish associations between group affiliation, classified into affiliation with the formal group, informal group and no affiliation, and institutional arrangements, and level of postproduction modernization. Majority of the growers in all groups used more modern institutional arrangements in postproduction, except in marketing. Modern technologies were used in more than 50% of the postproduction operations in coordination with fellow growers and traders; hired labor was employed in the various postproduction activities. The level of postproduction modernity was found to be relatively higher in the formal and informal growers' groups than in the group with no affiliation. Group affiliation and institutional arrangements in labor use and marketing, and level of postproduction modernization were significantly associated. This indicated that growers who belonged to organizations utilized more modern labor and marketing arrangements, which contributed to attainment of higher level of postproduction modernity compared to growers without any affiliation.

Source or Periodical Title

Philippine Agricultural Scientist





Document Type



Agricultural modernization, Cutflower postproduction system, Institutional arrangement, Postproduction system, Postproduction systems modernization

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