Handling soil variability in high-N and zero-N field trials of corn genotypes


Twenty-eight corn hybrids were field evaluated using a 4 x 7 alpha (0,1) lattice with two replications in the 1999-2000 dry season to determine the gain in efficiency of the lattice over RCBD in high N (i.e., 120 kg Nitrogen ha -1) and zero N corn trials. Non-significant and significant differences among entries for yield were observed using RCBD and alpha lattice for both trials, respectively. The relative efficiency (RE) of the alpha lattice over RCBD for yield was 1.65 and 2.38 for the high N and zero N trials, respectively. Spearman rank correlation showed association between the rank of hybrids in the unadjusted (i. e., RCBD) and adjusted means (i.e., alpha lattice) but inconsistencies in rank were observed. Lower standard error of treatment mean difference was obtained using the alpha lattice in both trials. Three comparisons with the check turned out to be significant and fourteen changed in significance using lattice adjustment in the high N and zero N trial, respectively. Alpha lattice appears to detect genotypic differences better than RCBD and may maximize accuracy in comparing and selecting genotypes.

Source or Periodical Title

Philippine Agricultural Scientist





Document Type



Alpha lattice, Corn, Experimental design, Randomized complete block design, Relative efficiency

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