Off-season production of honeydew melon (Cucumis melo L.) using mulch and row cover


The combination of three mulching materials (0.003 mm reflectorized silver polyethylene plastic [PEPrs], #50 black nonwoven fabric [NWFb], and rice straw) and three row cover materials (0.076 mm clear polyethylene [PEPc], #17 white nonwoven fabric [NWFw] and white nylon net) were compared to determine their effect on microclimate, soil chemical properties, pest incidence, yield and horticultural characteristics of honeydew melon during off-season production. Among the materials evaluated, polyethylene plastic (PEP) had been proven to be the most advantageous. Mulching with PEPrs or providing a protective cover using PEPc or NWFw resulted in increased soil temperature and better nutrient uptake. In turn, growth and flowering were faster, there were more female flowers, maturity was earlier, insect pest and disease incidence were lesser, fruit quality was better and yield was higher. Using mulch and row cover together gave no added benefit. NWFb and rice straw were not as effective as PEPrs as mulch. Mulching with rice straw resulted in highest arthropod pest infestation and disease incidence since it harbored thrips and mites and had the highest air temperature and soil moisture retention, conditions which were desirable for microbial growth. However, it had the advantage of increased soil phosphorus, potassium and cation exchange capacity after cropping. While nylon net allowed the greatest penetration of light into the canopy, it resulted in the lowest air temperature because of its porous nature, hence it was not effective as PEPc or NWFw as row cover.

Source or Periodical Title

Philippine Agricultural Scientist





Document Type



Cucumis melo L., Honeydew melon, Mulching, Nonwoven fabric, Nylon net, Polyethylene plastic, Rice straw, Row cover

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