Life history and habits of the orchid lema, Lema pectoralis Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a major pest of orchids


An important pest of Vanda and Dendrobium, Lilioceris sp. has been identified as Lema pectoralis Baly. "Orchid lema" is proposed as its common name to distinguish it from other beetle pests of orchids. Its eggs, newly hatched larvae, pupae and adults are yellow. The larva feeds immediately upon emergence and later takes on the color of its food. It is soft, fleshy and covered with slimy exudation and fecal materials, which are discarded when the larva molts. The larva undergoes four stages of growth. Prior to pupation, the mature larva excretes a meringue-like substance for its cocoon. The pupa is exarate; it has well-developed legs and a prominent outline of the wings and antennae. Development from egg to adult is about 24 d. A newly eclosed adult remains in the cocoon for a few hours, after which it emerges by chewing a hole about 1 cm in diameter. An adult beetle attains sexual maturity 2-3 weeks after emergence. Mating takes place anytime of the day; the beetles mate many times throughout their life.

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Philippine Agricultural Scientist





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Chrysomelid beetle, Lema pectoralis, Life cycle, Lilioceris, Orchid pest

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