Longevity of hydro-primed rice seeds

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Viable seeds are a basic agricultural input in sustainable agriculture. Since 60-90% of the seeds planted in developing countries are produced, cared for, and exchanged by resource-poor farmers and indigenous peoples in the informal system, in assistance science can be applied to ensure the viability, vigor, and longevity of the seeds. Seed enhancement technology, like hydro-priming, can be done to address this gap. While literature on priming and its generally favorable results are available, the technique of drying-back and storage of primed seed has received little attention and published results in literature are conflicting. Under Philippine conditions, a few studies have demonstrated the positive effects of priming but there has been no report on the favorable effect of priming but there has been no report on the favorable effect of hydro-priming or invigoration over time. The information is important in terms of seed storage. The study was conducted to determine the length of time that enhancement rice seeds will remain viable under ambient storage conditions. Two sets of non-dormant naturally aged farmer-bred (M12-22B5 and AG-5) and traditional (Lantik and Kotong) rice varieties were subjected to hydro-priming by soaking seeds in water for 10 hours and drying back to their original moisture content. Overall results showed that hydro-priming has a favorable effect on germination, specially deteriorated seeds with known low germination percentage. One month after hydro-priming the germination of M12-22B5 increased from 71 to 84%, AG-5 from 69 to 78%, and Lantik from 28 to 32%. On the average, the different varieties reached 50% of their initial germination after 2.4 to 3.2 months of storage for non-primed seeds and 7.25 to 7.8 months for hydro-primed seeds. Hydro-priming, therefore, is one option of seed enhancement that is applicable to Third World farmers since this can prolong the storage life of seeds by 4.7 months.

Source or Periodical Title

Philippine Journal of Crop Science









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Physical Description

tables, graphs, picture



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