State of research in development communication in the Philippines: trends and issues

Professorial Chair Lecture

Metro Manila Commission Professorial Chair




An analysis of 102 studies, including 15 staff studies, 54 M.S. theses, 33 PhD. dissertations, and data from another state university, conducted over a ten-year period ending 2002 in the field of development communication, resulted in the following observations:

1. Research in development communication has documented and supported the changing framework of development programs which has become participatory, interactive, and dialogic.

2. Quantitative methods have predominated in these studies, but more and more qualitative approaches have shown their worth especially in explaining cultural and contextual dimensions of the communication process.

3. The study of development communication, a subset of the field of communication, can gain greater progress through collaboration with researchers in other disciplines and thus collectively launch a concentrated attack on problems of media (e.g., media economics), culture (e.g., with anthropology), and institutions (e.g., political science).


UPLB Main Library Special Collections Section (USCS)


College of Development Communication (CDC)



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