Assessment of Science, Technology and Society (STS) as a General Education course at UP Los Baños

Professorial Chair Lecture

General Education Professorial Chair for Associate Professor in Environmental Science and Management, UPLB-School on Environmental Science and Management


Professorial Lecture presented at SESAM Annex Lecture Room, UPLB-School on Environmental Science and Management, College, laguna




Science, technology and society (STS) a general education course at UP Los Banos was reviewed and its outline and objectives were compared with similar course offered in other universities which are available at the Internet. Post-evaluation of the STS classes was conducted last summer, 2000 to assess students' perception of the course. Students' comments of the on the strengths and weaknesses of the course done in the first and second semesters, 1999-2000 and were reviewed.

STS as an integrative and interdisciplinary course met the four goals of the general education program of the UP System based on the post-evaluation of the course. In comparison with other GE courses, STS was slightly better in capturing students' interest and challenged them to think critically. The course also helped them relate their field of specialization to the study of society and environment.

Revision of the course objectives and outline was proposed to emphasize socio-cultural and environmental context of science and technology. Enrichment of the existing course content and improvement of the teaching strategy were also proposed.


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