Teaching computer literacy through the use of transparencies




Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics


College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Rolando G Panopio


The social problem attempts to examine the utility of overhead projection using transparency in teaching Computer Literacy" to students of Mathematics 1 (Fundamental) Concepts and Application of Mathematical). A review of literature first establishes the effectiveness of visual procedures, particular overhead projection in enhancing the learning capability of students. A script for the presentation of transparencies then follows focusing on four basic sections: history of computers. Computer terminologies and impact of computers on society. In discussing the history of computers the evolution of the technology from the abacus to Napier's bones to Pascals adding machine down to the development of the UNIVAC are presented on a succession of transparencies showing the computer types, their proponents developers and their main features. Computer technologies are also discussed using transparencies supplementing the text with photographs and illustrations as needed. Included in this sequence of transparencies are the definition of the computer classification of computers, computer organization and computer software. Algorithm representation is likewise tackled with the transparencies showing the meaning of an algorithm common and mathematical examples of algorithms and their properties. The last group of transparencies present the impact of computers on society which include benefits from computer development problem regarding computer technology and social issues.




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