The effects of ionic solutes on the supercooling of selected food




Bachelor of Science in Food Technology

Major Course

Major in Food Science


College of Agriculture and Food Science (CAFS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Ernesto V. Carpio


Restricted: Not available to the general public and to those bound by the confidentiality agreement. Access is available only after consultation with author/thesis adviser.


A study of the effects of ionic solutes on the supercooling of selected food was done. Freezing curves of 2%, 6% and 10% (w/v) NaCl, KCl and aspartame solution, as well as the freezing curves of pork meat with different levels of NaCl, were established using Analog Digital Converter (ADC) by Remote Measurement Systems (RMS). Supercooling, initial freezing, eutectic and medium temperatures were investigated in the freezing processes of the simple solutions and food system. For simple solutions, the supercooling and freezing point decreased with increasing solute concentration. Aspartame showed the lowest supercooling point due to the chemical reactions that occurred as it dissolved in aqueous media. For food system, pork meat with 10% NaCl supercooled at -6.6°C, which were approximately twice as the supercooling temperature of sample with 2% NaCl (-3.3°C). The degree of supercooling on pork meat with different levels of NaCl was greater compared to the control. The above results show that it is possible to produce a supercooled state in pork meat, and demonstrate that supercooling could be established as an alternative storage method if the supercooled state could be maintained, given the level of solute concentration on the food.




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LG 993.5 2014 F61 /D35

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