Preliminary survey of cicadellidae (Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha) of Mount Makiling and vicinities




Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Major Course

Major in Entomology


College of Agriculture and Food Science (CAFS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Sheryl A. Yap


The Cicadellidae of Mt. Makiling and vicinities was surveyed and examined via field collection and loaned specimens. The specimens were sorted and identified up to genus or species level. The taxonomic treatment of all examined specimens and a checklist of species of Mt. Makiling are presented. Out of the 354 species of Cicadellidae recorded in the Philippines, 49 were found in Mt. Makiling and vicinities, and 35 species were recovered. Only one subfamily, 21 genera, and 187 species are endemic to the Philippines, of which only one subfamily, 3 genera, and 40 species are endemic to Mt. Makiling. None of the endemic genera and species were recovered. Cicadellids from forested areas or at least at the edge of a secondary forest can be found between 50 to 1114 masl. Leafhoppers from grassland and agricultural areas (25 to 50 masl) occupy the large number of species collected and examined. Most species collected could be vectors of different kinds of viruses causing diseases in plants. New country and locality record were documented. The status of cicadellid species within the Makiling Forest Reserve of UPLB was presented in relation to their endemism, conservation and pest management.




UPLB Main Library Special Collections Section (USCS)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2015 A3 /Y37

Document Type


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