The effect of the amount of cloud cover on total global uv irradiance




Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics


College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Nelio C. Altoveros


The amount of cloud cover and UV radiation are needed for modeling climate. Local cloud cover measurements rely on human observations which may cause errors. A possible way to predict the amount of cloud cover is by measuring UV radiation. This study determined the relationship of the amount of cloud cover and the total global UV irradiance (TGI). This study was successfully able to develop a sky imaging system that can estimate the amount of cloud cover. The sky imaging system can be improved to characterize the clouds and sky and to be used in other related research. The sky imaging system takes 10 images from different areas of the sky. The maximum field of view of the sky imager is 75_ from the zenith. This study showed that as the amount of cloud cover increases, the TGI decreases. The images of the corresponding data points were examined. The images showed that when the sun is obscured by clouds, the TGI decreases. Also, images that have very little amount of cloud cover present have high measurements of TGI at the time.




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Call Number

LG 993.5 2013 P51 /F44

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