Recovery plans for the mitigation of delays in Senta Building Project




Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


College of Economics and Management (CEM)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Sunseehray Alessandra B. Tirazona

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The first step in every project is to make a plan. Planning is necessary to have a view on how to initiate sustain and terminate a project. A key output of project planning is to project schedule that can be used for monitoring the work progress and predicting the possible completion of the project. Delays in the project occur due to changes requested by the owner, worker strikes and other circumstances. Since delay are unavoidable, immediate catch-up plan that can speed up the activities is necessary to avoid accumulation of delays in the project. Addition of manpower and equipment can help to speed up the activities in the project. The study was done in Senta Building project located in Legazpi Village, Makati. The biggest issue in the project was the delayed activities in Structural and Masonry Works of the project. Many contractors are complaining because their work was also affected. To solve this problem, immediate catch-up plan was necessary to recover delays in the project. In this study, delayed activities were compressed so that the project would be finished on the scheduled completion date. The duration of activities were reduced by addition of manpower and equipment. The cost of the project when the activities were compresses and the cost when the project was delayed were estimated to determine the better option. The result of the study proved that the Structural and Masonry of Senta Building Project can be finished on time if the remaining schedule will be compressed. Addition of manpower and equipment can shorten the duration of activity but can increase the cost of the project. If the project. If the project will be delayed, the cost of the penalty and other expenses due to the extension of duration will be added to the original cost of the project. In the case of Senta Building Project, it is cheaper to compress the activity than to pay for penalties and other expenses when the project was delayed. Doing an immediate catch-up for delays can avoid the accumulation of delays. If delays are accumulated, the contractor may suffer additional expenses and should pay for penalty which is more expensive than to compress the activity.



LC Subject

Construction industry--Management, Construction industry--Planning


UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993 2011 E63 T63

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