Phenolic profile, antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory potential of pansit-pansitan (Peperomia pellucida L.).




Bachelor of Science in Chemistry


College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Rodriguez, Evelyn B.


The phenolic content, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capability of Peperomia pellucida L., commonly known as pansit-pansitan, were determined. Proximate analysis was conducted and the data obtained was reported as fresh basis. The results show that the plant has moisture content of 98.31%, crude protein of 0.1448%, crude fat of 0.0232%, crude fiber of 0.2899%, ash content of 0.3277% and total sugar content of 0.0095%. The phenolic compounds in the sample were extracted using 80% aqueous methanol solution and the total phenolic content of pansit-pansitan in terms of mg GAE/100 g sample and mg QE/100 g sample, as determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, were found to be 84.02 + 9.54 and 156.71 + 10.84, respectively. Results of analyses employing two-dimensional paper chromatography, UV-Vis spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy and melting point determination suggest ferulic acid as the major component of the extract. The antioxidant capability of the extract was determined using DPPH and nitric oxide assays. At 50 ppm, the extract showed a %free radical scavenging activity (%FRSA) of 57.14% for the DPPH assay. At 100 ppm, the extract showed a %FRSA of 70.83% for the nitric oxide assay. The results show that the extract has a potent DPPH and nitric oxide radical scavenging activity. The anti-inflammatory potential of the extract was determined using a modified CAM assay using 10 day old duck embryos. At 150 μg dosage, the extract showed a %inhibition of irritation of 83.0%. The result is comparable to the standards used and can be said that the sample has a potent anti- inflammatory activity.




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